Maximising GA4 adoption and value beyond migration

The migration to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a requirement for many brands. It’s an opportunity to update your strategy, set new goals, and fill in any gaps that may exist in your existing Analytics implementation.

Setting the foundation for GA4

  • Four key reasons brands choose GA4 over their competitors.
  • Privacy – provides the most robust solution to cookie-restricted measurement
  • Cross-device tracking – built on Firebase, it seamlessly merges data collected on any device
  • Unmatched flexibility – has a seamless integration with the Google Cloud Platform
  • Integrations – advertising products share conversion, cost, and audience data with one another

How to prepare before the deadline

Universal Analytics (UA) will move to GA4 in July 2023. To support this transition, it’s important to start with a solid plan.

  • Step 1: Set your objectives
  • Step 2: Design and document
  • Step 3: Configure and implement
  • Step 4: Test and deploy
  • Step 5: Reporting and team training
  • Step 6: Integrations and activation

Success story (client use case) – what’s possible with GA4?

TaxSlayer chose to migrate to GA4 and adopt the Google stack of products in January 2022. Their biggest challenges were in reporting and training. Key benefits have been:

  • Business users can do more without needing to involve developers
  • Predictive insights and generating audiences from them (ex. bot detection)
  • Cross-environment reporting (web and native apps) is coming soon
  • Setting the foundation with Apollo

Over the last 20 years there’s still an expectation to deliver high-performing customer experiences and solutions that require great data. However, the reality is that capturing great data has become more difficult. Data quality is key.

What is Apollo?

Apollo  is an analytics management system that helps organisations to increase ROI from investments in digital analytics, whilst reducing the cost of maintaining an analytics program.

Apollo offers easier and accelerated migration from UA to GA4:

  • Aligns business requirements
  • Based on 20 years’ proven best practice
  • Automated implementation in seconds
  • Integrated Quality Assurance
  • Reporting driven by business requirements
  • Documentation is dynamic and interconnected 
  • What more can Apollo do with GA4?

GA4 leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) to empower small to mid-size organisations. Important capabilities are:

  • Better understanding of user interaction with your website/brand
  • Predictive analytics about traffic and user behaviours, e.g. churn rate, customer buying habits
  • More adaptable and user-friendly reporting to leverage the Google collective intelligence
  • How can you extend the value and benefit of GA4?

Five values that you can leverage by migrating to GA4.

  • Recession proof marketing attribution model
  • Value-conscious in-house Customer Data Platform
  • Improving AI-SEO
  • Content development
  • Journey navigator “trended funnel”

The migration from UA to GA4 doesn’t need to be complicated or take a long time. If you would like to chat about how to maximise GA4 adoption and value beyond migration, get in touch with our experts by calling 020 3793 3118 or dropping us a line to or email our Managing Director David Ellis directly on

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